
Liturgical illustration

New Liturgical Movement is a blog dedicated to, well, the new liturgical movement. It is worth checking out if you do any work associated with the Church or publications for ministries. While much of the focus is on architecture and music, there are still interesting tidbits for the artist/illustrator as well.
Contributor Jeffrey Tucker recently posted a page of stock art for readers to use in liturgical publications "without royalties, credit, anxiety, worry, and all the rest of that stuff." What is of interest to Smallpaxers is that many of these images are from old missals (and so are in public domain) and offer a great inspirational starting point for new work. Our very own Matthew Alderman shows how this works, among the offerings is Matthew's logo design for, um, help me out here Matt, I remember it had something to do with sacred music, Oh yeah, the Church Music Association of America.
So take a look, get inspired, and create something new!


J.R.Howley said...

Thank you for posting that. I have always marveled at the liturgical B&W engravings in old Missals, works highly devotional and proper for the Sacred Mysteries. And a thanks to Jeffrey Tucker and his work in helping promote Chant with the Church Music Association of America!

Matthew said...

It's my logo for the CMAA--Church Music Association of America. Thanks for remembering!