Hello to everyone! I’m delighted to have found this site and honored to be able to participate. Thank you Ted for the invitation, and thank you Eric for the help. There is great talent here, so I hope all of you like my work
Above is an oil painting of Pope Benedict I did for one of the churches in my area.
May God bless us all
Stunning Anthony!
Do you have a website with more of your work?
God Bless and welcome!
This is one beautiful work. Thank you for sharing it with us. (Will there be prints available? (hint,hint....)
Thank you VERY much Ted and Rebecca!
my portfolio is under construction right now and I hope to have it up soon
I'm still considering prints... some others who have seen the painting asked the same question and the money could help this particular parish...
they're in the process of building a new church right now
I hope to share some more of my religious work with you soon... again, I'm glad you like it!
Anthony, this is just so Beautiful.
You are so very talented. Amazing! I really am speechless! amy
Anthony - wow. Terrific job. Let us all know when you have a website set up!
That is a remarkable likeness! You've really captured the Holy Father. I especially like the eyes (windows to the soul). Welcome!
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