I just returned from a 3-day sculpture seminar with sculptor Rosalind Cook. Here is the piece I began during the class and as you can see I still have a bit of work to do. The medium is clay (the kind that never dries). The figure is supported by an 18" armature. The piece was inspired by my imagination of our Blessed Mother as a girl going about the country collecting herbs and flowers and admiring God's creation. The clothing is not very historical but then again I am still playing around with it. There is a space in her right hand to put a real flower or herb and I am sorry I did not put that in the picture. I will try to post a finished picture with a something real in her hand so you can see the whole thing. And I must say that I really, really enjoyed the class! It was my first time playing around with sculpture and I just love working in 3-d! I want to pursue it more it is just a matter of where to go next. Any ideas would be great! Thanks.
Beautiful start!
She has such a welcoming and warm face, which is exactly what you would expect from the Blessed Mother. That girl would change a world forever.
Thanks for sharing!
That is awesome!!!
Wow, that's lovely! I'm always in awe of people that can think in 3d like that. Very nice.
Wow. Very, very sweet.
Awesome job Michaela, I would like to obtain one of your masterpieces. (If they are within my price range.) ;-)
well hopefully after I study a bit more I will actually have a masterpiece to share ... not quite there yet (lol)
This is amazing! I think you're a real natural in thi medium!
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