
Jason Tako Introduction

Hello! I want to thank Ted and the Catholic Illustrators Guild for the warm invitation to join! I'm very excited about being a member of the Guild! I'm a convert to the Faith and live with my beautiful wife and 3 children in Central Pennsylvania. I'm also a native of the wonderful state of Minnesota. I exhibit my work in 5 galleries up and down the East Coast as well as a couple wildlife and plein air painting shows. My work can be viewed at www.jasontako.com or on my blog at www.weeklyoilpainting.blogspot.com/

This is a monochromatic oil sketch done on canvas panel of one of my daughters. Using a small bristle brush and the color Terra Rosa I lightly worked in the eyes and other facial features and worked my way to the outer part of her head. When I had everything blocked in I went back with a kneaded eraser and worked in some slight highlights (and mistakes) and used small amounts of Venetian Red for dark accents. The size of the work is 16"x12". Thanks and God bless -Jason Tako


J.R.Howley said...

Welcome,Jason. Very nice work!

theodore said...

that has a great introspective mood to it... is this from a photo or did you get your daughter to hold still long enough to capture her?

Ben Hatke said...

Hey wow! I like the paintings in your gallery! Welcome aboard!

Sophie said...

Beautiful and sensitive piece! Welcome!