Hello, my name's Sonia. Here's a quick sample of my scratchboard work, and as pointed out in recent postings, I chose something with "Catholic" imagery, just to introduce myself. If you'd like to see my other work with religious imagery please visit http://soniajackson.weebly.com/murals.html but my website( http://soniajackson.weebly.com )portfolio also features my work that is less obviously Catholic.
I think it's very good to have a place for artists with similar moral perspectives to meet and give feedback, and I look forward to seeing what other Catholic artists are up to.
Welcome to you, Sonia, on this Good Friday.
Your scratchboard church is beautiful. I'm glad you're posting here.
And another welcome to you. Your scratchboard church makes me want to go inside and kneel on the stone floor.
Thank you both! I hope you had a wonderful Easter!
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