I haven't been on here in a long time but, its so cool to see everyones art again-its so beautiful! Anyway, here is a painting i just recently did-Our Lady and baby Jesus in a field of poppies.
I know this is an art blog but, this question concerns art so I thought it would be ok to post:
Have any of you attended art school? If so which one?- and did you like it? Or would you recommend a good art school/education? I've just graduated highschool last summer and am looking for a good school to pursue my art. I wish there was a Catholic art school-so I could grow in my faith too but, I don't think there is such a thing :( I'm intersted in fine art and want to learn how to make things look more realistic. So, if you have any suggestions or ideas they would be greatly appreciated!!
Hi Lizi; lovely painting!
I went to Steubenville, graduated, and then after awhile went back to school for Graphic Design.
In retrospect, I would never trade the education/formation I had at Steubenville, but regret that there wasn't either an art program there. I'd know since high school I wanted to go into commercial art, so could have saved a few $ if I'd gone that route from grade 12 on, but I don't know that I was really up for the art school scene at the time. I might recommend just taking one art course someplace to get a feel for it and see if it's something you'd want to pursue in more depth. Depending on where you go, it can either be pretty crazy off-the-wall, or some really solid stuff. I think a former prof. from Steubenville is actually teaching art down at Savannah College of Art and Design for example.
Lizi, this is beautiful! Very expressive. I don't have an art degree either. I wish I could help you. I think Abigail's suggestion is a good one. If you take a local drawing or portrait class in classical realism or even just a basis oil painting class you may have a better sense of if it's something you're passionate about. I would suggest you do a little research on your teacher as well. If it were me, I'd only take from someone who's work I admire.
Good luck and God Bless!
Hi Lizi.
I like the baby Jesus in this one -he has a chubby peaceful face.
I didn’t attend art school as an undergraduate, but I often wish I had. It can be difficult to find a good program though.
There are some good, serious summer painting and drawing programs that you can find with a little research. A summer program might be a way to examine a place without having to jump in for a whole semester.
Also, there are some serious classical realist artists out there who open up their studios as an atlier -which is the closest thing to the old master/apprentice relationship that exists these days.
Hey everyone,
Thank you all for your feedback I really appreciate it! I definately know art is my PASSION! Ever since I could hold a pencil I was always doodling on the margins of my school books and sometimes on the walls to which did not get very good feedback. But, I am taking some classes at our local community college.
Abigail- Thank you for the compliment. I LOVE Steubenville! my sister goes there and I absolutely love how Catholic it is. Amazing. I would go there except for the academics part-I don't feel academics is part of my calling-and it was always incredibly hard for me and I felt like I was wasting my time because it wasn't something I wanted to pursue. Not to say that academics are bad or people who like it are bad; its just right for some people not for others. Everyones different. But, thank you for the suggestion of Savannah College of Art-I will definately investigate it.
Thank you Maggie for the compliment! God bless you too!
Ben-thanks. I will look into finding a classical realist open studio-that sounds so cool! I never thought of that. Some people have very different and wierd ideas of what art is but, I like the old masters philosophy.
Again thank you all! I really appreciate you taking the time to comment.
Peace be with you, Lizi
Living Water College!
Check it out!
Hi Lizi,
I went to Cleveland Institute of Art--excellent education but intense, and a very tough area, despite it being a cultural center (museum of art across the street). I also attended the university there which had a hard atmosphere. Perhaos you could go to FUS for a little while as I did--I wouldn't trdae that for anything, and take advantage of other opportunites like others have suggested--there's alot out there.
Pray and ask God to show you which college to go to. He's the one that can best choose for you.
Blessings to you . He has gifted you with a great talent let him guide you.
Hey Lizi,
Have you heard of University of Dallas? It is a great Catholic school with an incredible core curriculum and many majors; one of which is art. I'm a freshman here right now, and although I don't know much about that major, I am in Painting I and I love it. Maybe something to look it to if its not too late.
God bless,
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