I am looking to purchase a pen tablet. Specifically, I am looking at the Intuos3 brand. Could all you Smallpaxers who may have experience with pen tablets share your expertise? Do any of you use the Intuos3? Any other brands out there you would recommend as better? Of course, there's a budget involved too. I would appreciate whatever input anyone could give. Thanks!
Hey Kevin,
I use the Intuos3. It's great for coloring, doing photo retouch.
occasionally I use it to actually draw... pen and paper with a scanner works out faster and makes nicer lines for me.
Hi Kevin,
I have the smallest size Intuos3 and it is the best tablet I have used. Wacom are the leaders in tablets so you can't go wrong with one. The reason I use the smallest size is that I paint and sketch only using my wrist (no sweeping arm movements) so a bigger tablet would just consume valuable desk space and burn a bigger hole in my wallet.
Hi Kevin.
I've been using the smallest Wacom tablet for years and you really can't compare it to trying to color or draw with a mouse.
Recently I upgraded to a Cintiq so that I have the feel of actually drawing on the screen. And for me it is nearly as far from drawing with the small tablet as the small tablet is from the mouse. If that makes sense. The only downside is that there's lots of wires and adaptors and such. The simple tablets just plug in and go.
BTW can I ask you all: do any of the ones you mentioned work with Windows? I've been wanting to get one myself but I know Ben at least is a Mac guy...
Wacom tablets are both PC and Mac friendly. I've used my tablet on both and the experience is identical on both platforms.
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