
Our Lady of Fatima part 9

The latest chapter! With such a long work, I decided to use a mostly set palette. So far, I think it is working out well. Hope you like!
 photo olof36a_zpszjvxwrhh.jpg  photo olof37_zpsxnhtugsz.jpg  photo olof38_zpsvqt4bj2w.jpg  photo olof39_zpsym4c47oz.jpg  photo olof40_zpsdysjdvqh.jpg  photo olof41_zpspxa1uyaf.jpg  photo olof42_zpsccgdageu.jpg  photo olof43_zpsf8cr18m2.jpg  photo olof44_zps6vk0r9p5.jpg
To be continued...


  1. Hey George, Theodore moved us over to a new site: http://catholicillustratorsguild.com/

    Great work as always!

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