
Apologetic Graphic Design

I have had an idea for over a year now of doing collage-style design with Scripture verses that point to certain articles of the Faith for the purpose of apologetics and teaching the Faith using modern design in our very visual culture. I finally started this yesterday; I'm not sure if it's done yet, as it may be a work in progress, but this is on the Eucharist. It has different Scripture verses from the Old and New Testaments that refer to the Blessed Sacrament. I have no idea if these will ever become posters, works of art, or probably just sit on my computer until it crashes. I would like to do these by hand in calligraphy, but that would take long time, time I don't currently have, so I have to settle for Photoshop at this time. I may do one on the Blessed Mother next. -Jason Tako www.JasonTako.com

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