
Oil Portrait

Above is an oil painting of a very dear friend of mine who will be celebrating 60 years a priest this weekend.  We met some twenty years ago, and it has been one of the greatest honors of my life to have known this wonderful Monseigneur from Malta.

Congratulations Msgr. Guido!


  1. Hey Anthony, this is a wonderful portrait. Beautiful work!

  2. Really nice job on this! Your oils are so realistic! Were you able to give the portrait to Monsignor Guido?

  3. Hey thanks, Jason!

    Thanks Christine! I was, and it's hanging in the sacristy now. Fortunately he was really pleased with it. His friend Msgr. Lawrence came from Malta for the celebration and they're both really cool.

    It's amazing how small the world seems when I see them. They were both friends of Saint George Preca and to think they've come to a little church in south Alabama is really awesome. They have so many stories.
